IPEDCo Instituto Política Educativa para el Desarrollo Comunitario - Directory of Nonprofit Organizations2019-07-03T23:08:33+00:00

Directory of Nonprofits

Need to find information about a nonprofit in Puerto Rico? Our directory of organizations includes all nonprofits in Puerto Rico. Enter your search criteria below and you will be provided with a listing of nonprofit organizations.


IPEDCo Instituto Política Educativa para el Desarrollo Comunitario

Contact: Dra. Nyvea Silva Herrera
Other P. O. Box 12383 San Juan PR 00914-0383 Home PR Puerto Rico Main Phone: (787) 728-1515, ext. 2440 Work Fax: (787 ) 728-1692 Organization Website: http://alianza.sagrado.edu


(nombre previo) Alianza Metropolitana de San Juan para la Educación (AMSJE)

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Need to find information about a nonprofit in Puerto Rico? Our directory of organizations includes all nonprofits in Puerto Rico. Enter your search criteria below and you will be provided with a listing of nonprofit organizations.

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