FTE Tracker

FTE Tracker

FTE Tracker

Are funds properly distributed in your Organization?

In response to OMB regulations regarding time and effort reporting for federal funds Pecunia Group developed the FTE Tracker, a very intuitive tool to collect data of the time dedicated to tasks related to the provision of services that your organization performs. Read more about the platform and its benefits.

Let’s talk more in depth about Time and Effort reporting…

Time and Effort Process
FTE Entry
FTE Centralization
FTE Compilation

Data Entry in the FTE Tracker

The FTE Tracker platform is an extremely easy to use tool. In the video provided, you can see how simple it is to enter a new FTE entry (Federal Time and Effort) on the platform. This tool improves the employee experience in relation to the need to track your FTE.

Interactive Dashboard

Included with the FTE Tracker, you will have Dashboard that makes the search simple information so that the user takes control of what needs to be analyzed. We have prepared a demo so you can see and use the FTE Dashboard. In addition to the dashboard, the FTE Tracker also gives you the option to download reports for anyone who needs information for other types of analysis.

Advantages of the FTE Tracker

  • Supports the finances in the distribution of salaries and costs for grants and / or activities

  • Provides the necessary information for decision making in the changes of the different budgets

  • Help in the identification of needs of increase and/or decreases of personnel by service area

  • Allows the organization to maintain an official file per employee related to the activities carried out

  • It reflects the economic impact by subsidy (or grant) for the personnel individually and consolidated

  • Ensures compliance with 2 CFR Part 200 related to federal government policies and practices (Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards)


More Information

Process without the FTE Tracker

100+ paid productivity hours can cost you up to $ 1,000 + in annual cost to the organization per employee

WITH FTE Tracker

More Information

Process with FTE Tracker

30 minutes per week in productivity can be saving $ 700 + in annual cost to the organization per employee

Ready to make a change?

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